The 2021 Black Friday presented a consumption 1,5 times higher, in euros, than November’s average, although purchasing decisions were anticipated from Friday to the remaining days of the week.
In terms of total purchases (in €), the 2021 Black Friday registered a variation of -6% when compared to the 2019 edition and +6% when compared to the 2020 edition. On the other hand, the 2021 Black Week shows a variation of +17% and +20%, compared to the 2019 and 2020 editions, respectively.
There is also a growth trend concerning the online commerce representing 18% (in €) of the total purchases on 2021 Black Friday, compared to 16% in 2020 and 12% in 2019.
Finally, MB WAY as a payment method stands out, showing strong growth indicators in physical and online purchases.
For more details on the consumer indicators, see infographics attached.